Sunday, December 30, 2007


Because of end of the year, it was so busy day in shizutetsu store. We could sell a lot of cheese:) today,I thought about my strange feeling. "Why do I like the people?"Sometime I am argumentative:) anyway,I talked to my shopo's boss today.I think he has a cute character. he is really easy to understand and bully firt,I hated him.because I thought he is not friendly and not so mature.he is 50years old!!I really hoped for the boss...mature and kind to everybody. that why ,I really liked secound manager at first.He is ojisan,too.but friendly and kind to everybody and soooo nice to me. I could talk about my feeling to him.because he said "u don't have to chenge ur character"It was made me happy. he transfered to the another store.dakara mou aenaikedoneeee:) but I often thought,I do like him as my boss,but I wouldn't love him as a boyfriend if we r same age....I didn't know why I felt... we r similar and nice to me....but I could understand now. I like the person who is so different from me. that why ,I do like my bully boss now. He is not good at pretend to be adult ,not friendly to people.but he really talk about his favorite things .he has a good smile when he is talking . Ofcourse he is good worker :) As u know,I am so great actress to people...I can do smile even I am not interested in the topic...that why ,many coworkers and friends(not truth friends)think Emi is good woman....I don't like it though... that why,I lke him now. at first ,he didn't talk to me very much,but we can talk with smile now(even short time) about 2years of my old friend said" I think u r atractive and really like u.but we r too is the biggest problem..." at that time,I couldn't understand why do he said sach a thing. but I have sama opinion now.... 好きでも似すぎてるとつかれちゃう。気を遣うポイントがおなじだから。でもぜんぜんちがうと、おもしろいしそれがいとおしく感じる。ふと考えた。だから3年間もある人のことを好きだったんだなぁって。嘘つけなくて、まっすぐで私にない物いっぱいで。。。いろんな人に大人の男の方がいいっていわれたけど不思議なみりょくに負けてきたからなぁ 笑

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Last nite ,my friend made me happy. I could talk to Ronnie chan:)

yey yey!!She is in Spain now and haven't seen her for 2years...but we r so good friend and can keep contact each other. As u know,my English isn't good now...I am so lazy and don't try to study...that why I hope she could understand my crap English ... I am so fucking pesimist recently...but I could be genki when I could talk to her...arigatou Ronnie chan

And I have a room mate until 1gatsu 1nichi. his name is happy.

He really loves my father...I am sure he is gay bird:)demo karaiiyo.

あともうすこしで今年も終わり。。。正直言ってit was bloody hell year for me.but it was good thing for me.because I can think about people's feeling now.And I don't hope high class's things for everything. I just need,nice friends who can understand my feeling .don't need ippai okane desyo?:) Loveが一番大切です♪私は好きな人にはいっぱい愛を注ぎすぎちゃうので、少しひかえるようにして、そして同じぐらい恵美にも愛をくれる友達そしてパートナーを見つけたいと思う。


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas presents

I went out with Hirokochan on Christmas nite. I met her throug a friend this year:)

She differs from me in some respects.That why I do like her. I don't have special hobby..but she has . fucking cool desyo? I am interested in about her:)

Anyway,we went to the yakitori place and stayed in my place.IShe gave me a cute gift.I didn't expect it this year. I was so happy about it.

And,I got a round mirror from my sistar today. because I am chotto

u know "風水(ふうすい”?If I put a round mirror at the front door,I can be happy:)

sooooo I really wanted to get it. Actually,I haven't been not genki.that why,she gave me.

Even I didn' t say anything she could understand my feeling.I was so surprised about it.

ほんとうにうれしかった。友達、妹からもらった素敵なプレゼント♪そうそう、Fiona様からもchristmas cardもらった。うれしいなぁ。。。パーティはないし、大好きだった人からはメールこなくてちょっとおちこんでるけど。。。私をちょっとでも気にしてくれてる人がいるんだもんね♪そういう人を大切にしなくちゃ。いつかメールもらえるようになるころには元気になってないとね。

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

kyou wa Christmas Eve dayooooo.but I didn't have plan.Many people like to ask me,"What will u do tonite? "mmm chotto annoying:( Do I have to meet people? I was chotto grampy...but Takesue san made me happy.She gave me homemade oden for lunch and expensive chocolate♪She is so sweet and honest woman.As u know ,I usually so great actress to coworkers.But I don't have to do it with her.She is so great worker and can respect. I usually doesn't love the person who is optimist.but I like her.I have been so wondered ...She told me her stories before. She was same when she was my age....She was so simple for her feeling and couldn't control for 3years.She was sad and so tired. I was so surprised ,because I didn't expect about the story. She is so honest to me and I can tell the truth to her,too.

I really happy that I could meet her:)

じつはいまもちょっとさみしい。。。私は今でも好きな人をわすれられずにいるから。。でもね、経験者の言葉を参考にがんばっていかなくちゃっておもう。no more partys はちょっとさみしいけど、好きな人に会えないのなら私にとってはpointlessですから 笑 今年はのんびりしたイブですよぉ

Sunday, December 23, 2007

with Kaorichan

Today,I had to work overtime:) because of christmas ne♪ Many people wanted to buy yumyum cheese:) I am chotto tired but it is o.k. Because I do love to work hard.
After work,I met Kaorichan. As u know ,I didn't hung out friends for long time because I am so tired to meet people.
After a long separation,it was so fun and could enjoy talk with her.
I talked about my truth feeling,friends and future etc.... I have been scared to talk about it to her. Because I had thought she would have said"Emichan u were wrong.u should be strong" but she wasn't ... She could understand my feeling and so nice to me.
She understand why I was so sad when I hung out with friends and so drunk...She had same situation . hontou ni arigatou:)
I am so happy that I could have her ,too.
Tmr,many people will cerebrate for Christmas in Japan. I won't....just relax in my home with my small roommate. will have cheese. how about u?
I hope u will have a sweet Christmas eve :)xxx

Saturday, December 22, 2007


kyou wa ame desu:( that why,we couldn't have many customers in our store.U know Japanese really love partys.sooooo we wanted to sell a lot of cheese san:) maybe tmr...we can do it .


Actually,I am still not genki....even I pretend my feeling .that why I don't hung out with people very much. But I could be chotto happy today.

1:My boss sold me "mont d'or"by 500yen:) It is soooo expensive cheese. yey yey!! Sarahchan I wish if u were here. We could be high class women again ne:)lol

2:I could get a sweet christmas card from Sarah chan:) It made me cry:(

This year I got 3 cards from my close friends:)(ありがとうFor Ronnie chan ,Sarah chan,and Bev san) They r so nice ....recently ,I shed tears easily.

mmmmm..... gambarimasu:)

Sarah chan ,u know I can have a great new year ne:) my favorite fortuneteller said.I think I will be optimisit next year.

I should belive it" I am so lucky women,because I could have few great friends "

Ta mates♪

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas present for babies

 Today,I went shopping for christmas presents for babies:)

They shouldn't be spoiled.but I do:)

I bought dancing chicken and cute kirin. I could give Airu Chicken kun today.

He really love it and made me happy.

Recently,I don't know why....but I really like to spend time with my sister and Airu.

Did I become obasan? maybe .... Actually ,I and my sister hadn't talked very much for long time. We hadn't talked about our private things.I think I was not good sister for her very much.

Because I have been green with envy her life. She has A normal life....could think about job,money ,and future..... she hasn't gone out very much but she could meet a person who really loves her,too. My mom often said"U have a better life than yuka,because you have many friends ,could study abroad.Yuka had money but u could have great experience." I wanted to believe it.But it wasn't. Actually,I really want to have an average life.I didn't want to think I want to have it .That why ,I tried to have dreams....but I think I just want to have a few good friends. I am so boring obasan now.But I hope I can have a normal life now.

Recently,I became honest for my feeling and could chenge :)That why I can hung out with my sister.I can be nice to her now...not granpy obasan

I can't chenge my character.but I can be honest. Life is so complicated....but if I could be honest to my feeling,it will be better life.いいおんなになってがんばります。

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Dear Sarahchanへ

 I promised Sarahchan to write my blog in English.that why I do my best this time:)

I dedicate her this message.U made me cry today dayo.

This morning ,Sarah chan let me know her blog address and I checked it.

She said"I must be the luckiest girl in the world to have met Emi and her family"

and all of her words so wonderful.She had a good style,even I am not good English speaker I could understand how great she is:)

 I really want to told her"I must be the luckiest girl in the workd to have met Sarah chan"

You r bloody fantastic friend for me.

 U know I am so pessimist but u always listening to me and meke me feel comfortable enough. I usually don't tell my truth opinion because I have thought it is the best things for rerationship.But I could think it was wrong idea...It was fake.I wanted to be nice to people but I was sad and tired for many things. I rearised I am so fucking boring woman but I didn't want to be.... I am not a party girl and don't like Karaoke and no confience.But I just wanted to spend time with a person that why I tried to be a funny young girl. but it was not truth emi. I really like to have tea with friend ,take a walk, reading,...I am so boring ... but it is me. If I couldn't spend times with u ,I couldn't have understood it.

 Thank u sooooooooooo much. I am 29years old now,I should think many things ne:)

My family really love u ,too. U know Takako decided to study English because she wants to visit u as a sponsor for me.:) Actually ,I haven't been genki and don't go out very mush after u left. But I will be genki and do my best for my life. because u r so nice to me.And I really want to be like u. Gomenne ,I am not good writer,but I will study English more.

さらちゃんありがとう さかなさんもげんきだよ。

Saturday, December 15, 2007

今日はお休みでした。朝ちょっと熱あったかなぁ、、、って思ったけどだいぶ回復したので掃除をして、浅間神社にいった。厄払いです。lol  それは冗談で、気持ちを落ち着けたかった。少し歩いて、精神的に落ち着けるとこにいって。。。願い事は一つだけ。でしたけど。 私が人間として、女として、しっかりできるように。。。です。  そうしないと、だめですからね。近頃ほんと暗くって、もし今偶然あったら私が大好きだった人は恵美を大嫌いになると思うぐらい。それだけはさけたいんだよね。


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

世の中はchiristmas christmas♪お店でもずっと音楽が流れている。日本人はほとんどの人がキリスト教じゃないでしょぉ。。。って機嫌が悪い私はいらいらいらいら。今年はまったくよていがないからなぁ。今までの私だったら、寂しいとき誰かに会っていた。励ましてもらいたくて。でも、今は人に会うのがいやだ。つかれちゃうんだよねぇ。だから実は今日も嘘をついた。友達からメールが来て、「ひま?」といわれたけど、用事あるといいながらも家に帰ってぼぉっとしている。会いたくないときは、会わない。そしたらいつかパワーがもどってげんきになれるかなぁ?

Sarahちゃんがいてくれたら。。。そう思う。リラックスできるし、サラちゃんの前なら泣き言いえるし、弱いえみになれるから。。もちろんメールでは連絡できるけど、好きな人にはあいたいよね。顔をみてはなしたい。だから。。。大好きだった人と会えなくなったのはほんとこたえてて。会っても悲しいけど、顔だけでも見たい。どんな形でもいいからそばにいたかったなぁって。そんなことばかり考えちゃう。私にあいた言っていってくれるためならなんでもやっちゃうのになぁ 笑

だめだぁ。そんな女は嫌われる。おもたいもんね。さてさて、あほなことばかりいってないでお掃除をします。 写真はちなみに私のあたらしいルームメイト「大福ノエル」です。おでぶだけどかわいいの♪

Tuesday, December 11, 2007







若くないし、可愛くないけど覚えていてもらいたいって。。。私からはもう会いたいとは言えないのはわかってる。それに、言っちゃいけない。これ以上おったらストーカーだもん 笑


Sunday, December 09, 2007


だけど、それは長い人生においていいことなのかもしれない。だってよくいうでしょ?「二番目に好きな人と結婚すると幸せになれる」って。彼は私にとって一番。馬鹿になるほど愛させてもらえた。かなしいこといっぱいあったけど、彼が私にくれた幸せはそれ以上だったもん。だけど、自分をコントロールできなかったからぼろぼろになっちゃった。次の人なら。。。これほど愛することはできないだろうけど、自分の気持ちを抑えあつかえるのではないか?そうおもう♪結婚したいから。。。がんばります♪もちろん、結婚だけが目的じゃないよ、今度は私を好きだといってくれるひとに、私を捧げたい 笑

Thursday, December 06, 2007


 このごろこのblogは日記帳になっちゃってる。lol 自己満足の世界ですので気にしないでください。Sarahちゃんに書くと気持ちの整理ってつくよねぇといわれてから、本当にそう思うようになってね。facebook やmixiだとみんなにみられて、コメントもらって。。。ちょっとめんどくさい。人の気持ちなんて結局本人しかわかんないんだから♪

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

あぁぁぁぁぁ。。。。。やばすぎです。いつもの強気のエミはどこかへいってしまいました。いつか会えるときまでにいい女になるってきめたのに。まだ一週間もたっていないのに、bloody hellだ。

Monday, December 03, 2007


あったら、絶対泣くし会えてもこれで最後にしようとおもっていた。今まで彼に秘密にしてきたこと、自分の素直な気持ちを伝えた。嘘に固めた私の気持ちは疲れ果ててたから。私はあそびにんじゃないし、カラオケもパーティもすきじゃない。fucking boringな女なのだ。でも彼といたかっただけで行っていた。そして誰にもいっていない秘密。。。それを彼に伝えた。一生言うのはよそうと思ったけど、会えなくなるんだから伝えなくちゃっておもって。とりあえずあえなくなっちゃったけど、気持ちはすっきりしている。

Sunday, December 02, 2007


 私は今まで自分を演じてきたからその付けが一気にやってきている。彼に対して。。。私は彼に会うちょっと前までは超まじめでつまらない人間だったのに、boringえみだとおもわれたくなくて、いい加減な女のふりをしてきた。そのほかの友達にたいして。。。自分の意見を押さえてきた。よろこんでくれるなら私が我慢すればいい。。。そう思って生きてきた。だからいつも「エミはいい人」といわれた。でもね、なんにもうれしくなかった。私の気持ちを理解はしてくれてなかったし、もちろん私も理解してもらおうとはしなかったから。だからほとんどがIt is over now....です。やだね。。彼に誕生日プレゼントだけ渡したいけど、結局時間はきめてくれなかった。最初に会おうって行ってくれたのに。。。エミはめんどくさいおんななんだよねぇ。。。駆け引きができず、きらわれちゃう。もし明日メールこなかったら、ポストにいれてこよう。そして彼ともバイバイしなくちゃ:(どんなに愛されてなくても、嫌われてもこれだけはいえる。私は彼以上に愛せる人には出会えない。いい加減な部分も含めてすべてがいとおしかった。他の友達はいらなかったもんねぇ。だからこそ、最後のプレゼントで終わりにします。実はね、子供が欲しい。結婚したい。抱きしめて欲しい。だから自分の彼への気持ちは封印して、これからは生きていくことにします。