Thursday, January 10, 2008

Two days off and ちょっとむかついた。

 I had two days off:) I think my boss gave me a short new year's holiday. I didn't have any special plan that why I decided to stayed at my parent's home and cleaned my room.

But it was so difficult to do it. Because I really like to colect my memories.

And I spent time with Yuka and Airu both days. It is so fun to spend time with her now. Because I rearised she really know me.and I don't have to be "nice Emichan".I can be pessimist and can say strange things. I really like to complain many things and like to collect lucky This time ,I wanted to buy an expensive bracelet. I was kind of serious. Ofcourse I didn't buy it but she was make fun of me and we checked other lucky goods by internet. I know she thinks I am strange but also she knows I really want to be happy for long time.

And I can listen her many stories . I think she is the best friend for me in Japan now.

 By the way,ちょっといらいらすることが。。。私はがんばってふつうになろうと努力してきて、やっとあいたいと久々に会いたいと思った人にメールをした。そしたら、またパーティ。。。みんなでってさぁ。I really didn't like it.that why I just wanted to have tea.I have feeling and just want to talk.しってるはずなのに、いつも私がしゃべれないって。。。ばからしくて、かなしくて嫌になった。私はその程度なんだなぁって。いつもおまけ。。。I don't want to be "a free gift"anymore.だ。おばさんだからってばかにするなぁってかんじ。。。いらいらしてるからこの部分は日本語にしました。ごめんねさらちゃん。Sarah chan I will email u in English soon :)かわいくないおばちゃんはきらわれただろうけど。。。しかたないさぁ。。。がんばろっと。