I have been thinking of my life in 2008.Especially today...because there were not so many customers ...I was in my world in Shizutetsu store:)
As u know,I have to finish to study Nihongo this year...If I didn't I can't chenge my job. I paid so much money for the school.Even I don't want to be a nihongo teacher now. It will be good thing for my career ne.
Anyway,I made a list for my life.
1.Driving practice:)
2.Graduate from nihongo school.
3.Study English
4.listen new music.
5.watch movies once a month or twice.
6.diet...kawaii onnani naru♪
7.change my job when I finished to study nihongo.(even I like my coworkers...)
8.keep in touch with my yasashii friends.(I am snail...but I will try to email to them once or twice a month:))
10.make a specific plan for my future travel.(I want to be like Kaorichin)
I will do my best.
That why ,I went to the library and borrowed some books.
I want to know about many countries culuture now.
Actually,I have been interested in only Europe for loooooooong time.
Especially,I wanted to go to England for 19years.Maybe because of a TV program...It moved me....I thought if I had a preexistent life,I was English.lol strange desyo?But I was serious:) In the future,I will visit to England and Ireland again.But I think I should know Asian countries ,too.Because I am Asian,and many Asian countries r so interesting. That why ,I will read some books about Asian countries this year.イギリスイギリスゥ♪だけじゃなくてね。demo いまはI really want to visit Sarah chan and Ronniechan.I wish if I was a rich:)視野を広く持ち、いろんな物を学びたい。