Tuesday nite,I joined for a English conversation class for biginers.It was so easy....But I really enjoyed it,because I could speak English .I thought I completely forgot it...It is not serious lesson ...but I will join it again:) I should do something for my life ne:)
Yesterday,my sister's bird passed away....He was quite old ....he really picky guy and loved my sister very much.And my sister did...I thought about life...Long time ago,she often said"if torippi died,I will die together.he will never die" She didn't have many friends and he was so close friend for her. She has her family now,and become stronger...she didn't say such a thing anymore...Ofcourse she looked so sad though...She didn't show her emotion very much.I think it is her style but very stressfull for her. I didn't try to talk about him very much ...I hope it was ok for her.
and I visited to my exboss with my friend to his store.He is so nice ojisan:) This year ,I don't give a special choco to anybody....so I decided to give him :) (not serious one though.)
He makes me so genki and gave me so much energy. (even he has wife.lol)
After that,we went back to my apartment and cooked "misonabe".It was yum yum .and I remembered about Sarahchan♪I really missed our company.I wish if he was here....
なんかいろいろとかんがえてしまった二日間。。。Life is so complicated dane....