On Thursday,I went to the gym with my coworker.Actually,I haven't been to there for 1month.I am so lazy ne.As usuall,I went out for drink with her after that.She is so funny and I can trust her. After work ,her husuband joined us.He is 5years younger than her.But his behave is mature and so great couple.She is chotto similarto me.We looks so friendly to everybody but so picky.If we really want to do something,we can't stop to do it. That why,I think I need a person who is similat to her husdand:) He doesn't care about age,blood type.little bit argumentative..but kind to people. iine:) I was so worried about my age,because somepeople don't like obasan...でもそれをきにしなくなると、ほんと元気になれる。「わかいこがかわいい。。」と言われるたびに私は悲しくて倒れそうだった。それを言わない人は私をしあわせなきぶんにさせてくれる。「かわいいよぉ。わかくみえるからだいじょうぶだよ。」って。そういってくれる人に会うたびに、私がこの人を愛せたら。。幸せになれるだろう。っておもってきた。でも今まではむりだった。ただ、今年はそれをうけいれようとおもう。もちろん、そういう人に出会えなければどうしようもないけど、若くはもうなれないんだからそれをもとめられてなくのはもうやめた♪
そして昨日、Emi chan came to my apartment and chatted.And we went to a cozy yakitori place.いろいろはなした。友達のこと、好きだった人のこと、仕事のことなどなど。。。彼女はわかいけど、おちついてるんだよね。話してると本当にそうおもう。もう30になるんだからわたしもしっかりしなくちゃ。
そして今日、,I have a day off.actually I have to go to the hairsalon again..because my hair style is so strange...I didn't want to complain about it..but my friends were said"U should say that,u paid ippai okane" so I will try to be strong person . I hope my hair will be o.k. I really want to be a beautiful woman ne:)