I went out with Hirokochan on Christmas nite. I met her throug a friend this year:)
She differs from me in some respects.That why I do like her. I don't have special hobby..but she has . fucking cool desyo? I am interested in about her:)
Anyway,we went to the yakitori place and stayed in my place.IShe gave me a cute gift.I didn't expect it this year. I was so happy about it.
And,I got a round mirror from my sistar today. because I am chotto hen...lol
u know "風水(ふうすい”?If I put a round mirror at the front door,I can be happy:)
sooooo I really wanted to get it. Actually,I haven't been not genki.that why,she gave me.
Even I didn' t say anything she could understand my feeling.I was so surprised about it.
ほんとうにうれしかった。友達、妹からもらった素敵なプレゼント♪そうそう、Fiona様からもchristmas cardもらった。うれしいなぁ。。。パーティはないし、大好きだった人からはメールこなくてちょっとおちこんでるけど。。。私をちょっとでも気にしてくれてる人がいるんだもんね♪そういう人を大切にしなくちゃ。いつかメールもらえるようになるころには元気になってないとね。