Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

kyou wa Christmas Eve dayooooo.but I didn't have plan.Many people like to ask me,"What will u do tonite? "mmm chotto annoying:( Do I have to meet people? I was chotto grampy...but Takesue san made me happy.She gave me homemade oden for lunch and expensive chocolate♪She is so sweet and honest woman.As u know ,I usually so great actress to coworkers.But I don't have to do it with her.She is so great worker and can respect. I usually doesn't love the person who is optimist.but I like her.I have been so wondered ...She told me her stories before. She was same when she was my age....She was so simple for her feeling and couldn't control for 3years.She was sad and so tired. I was so surprised ,because I didn't expect about the story. She is so honest to me and I can tell the truth to her,too.

I really happy that I could meet her:)

じつはいまもちょっとさみしい。。。私は今でも好きな人をわすれられずにいるから。。でもね、経験者の言葉を参考にがんばっていかなくちゃっておもう。no more partys はちょっとさみしいけど、好きな人に会えないのなら私にとってはpointlessですから 笑 今年はのんびりしたイブですよぉ