Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I felt it was Monday....
I became pig now and I decided to walk from today....
I got free job magagine and went to Aoba park again...
I really wanted to take the sun....光合成(kougousei)=photosynthesisがしたかったの♪
あと懐かしのピラミッド(Wildachanおぼえてる?) I could be chotto genki now. 光合成はすごいね。そうそうAt last,Kaorichan is coming back to Japan.I am so happy ne.I don't want to say byebye anymore dayooo:( I want to say おかえり♪So please come back to Japan,my favorite friends.
ちかごろ わたしはまたもや pessimist。。。。きをつけまーす:)