Monday, October 30, 2006

Nail 初体験♪

 I became a hand model for Emi chan .Because she is practicing to be a nailist.
It was sooooooooo cool experience for me.
As u know I am kind of lazy bitch and I have never tried to care about my nails:)
ヤスリをかけて、甘皮を除去して、ベースコート、トップコート ETC....すごい奥が深い。
あとI talked to Marisan(she is Emichan's teacher and my acquintance's girl friend) She is soooooooooo wicked woman.Older than me:) Genuine,relax,and beautiful:)
I wish I will be like her someday.
明日が私のLong vacation の最後の日です♪あさってからは仕事なのでしっかりと準備しまーす