Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I should be angry

As u know,my hair became so bloody hell....I really wanted to be beautiful and paid 20000yen ...but the hairdresser made a big mistake...that why I went to the hair salon again last Saturday.He tried to fix it but it wasn't perfect...I was so sad but I thought he said sorry and I shouln't complain anymore...
But my coworkers said(especially obasan:))"U paid 20000yen,didn't u?U should complain!!If he can't fix it,he should refund to u.U r to nice."mmmmm...My mind changed...I really don't like to have problem with people.that why I usually don't complain ....but I have the right to say my opinion for the situation. Today,I tried to call to the hairsalon but it was regular holiday.I will call tmr:)
And I talked to my sister today.we talked about inheritance.(not sirious:))
She think my brother will say"I want to get house,money etc...he is canny with money" I was laughing.And I said"If he really want to get many things.I don't need many things.if I can live ,it will be ok" She said"yehh..I think u will say,I don't need ,I don't like to have problem" It was funny... My opinion is so strong,but I don't like to complain...my family know about it.
I really don't want to be a NICE PERSON anymore..but I can'T change my character....how can I do it? taihen danaaaaa....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nice advisor

On Thursday,I went to the gym with my coworker.Actually,I haven't been to there for 1month.I am so lazy ne.As usuall,I went out for drink with her after that.She is so funny and I can trust her. After work ,her husuband joined us.He is 5years younger than her.But his behave is mature and so great couple.She is chotto similarto me.We looks so friendly to everybody but so picky.If we really want to do something,we can't stop to do it. That why,I think I need a person who is similat to her husdand:) He doesn't care about age,blood type.little bit argumentative..but kind to people. iine:) I was so worried about my age,because somepeople don't like obasan...でもそれをきにしなくなると、ほんと元気になれる。「わかいこがかわいい。。」と言われるたびに私は悲しくて倒れそうだった。それを言わない人は私をしあわせなきぶんにさせてくれる。「かわいいよぉ。わかくみえるからだいじょうぶだよ。」って。そういってくれる人に会うたびに、私がこの人を愛せたら。。幸せになれるだろう。っておもってきた。でも今まではむりだった。ただ、今年はそれをうけいれようとおもう。もちろん、そういう人に出会えなければどうしようもないけど、若くはもうなれないんだからそれをもとめられてなくのはもうやめた♪

 そして昨日、Emi chan came to my apartment and chatted.And we went to a cozy yakitori place.いろいろはなした。友達のこと、好きだった人のこと、仕事のことなどなど。。。彼女はわかいけど、おちついてるんだよね。話してると本当にそうおもう。もう30になるんだからわたしもしっかりしなくちゃ。

 そして今日、,I have a day off.actually I have to go to the hairsalon again..because my hair style is so strange...I didn't want to complain about it..but my friends were said"U should say that,u paid ippai okane" so I will try to be strong person . I hope my hair will be o.k. I really want to be a beautiful woman ne:)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

This year:)

I have been thinking of my life in 2008.Especially today...because there were not so many customers ...I was in my world in Shizutetsu store:)
As u know,I have to finish to study Nihongo this year...If I didn't I can't chenge my job. I paid so much money for the school.Even I don't want to be a nihongo teacher now. It will be good thing for my career ne.
Anyway,I made a list for my life.
1.Driving practice:)
2.Graduate from nihongo school.
3.Study English
4.listen new music.
5.watch movies once a month or twice.
6.diet...kawaii onnani naru♪
7.change my job when I finished to study nihongo.(even I like my coworkers...)
8.keep in touch with my yasashii friends.(I am snail...but I will try to email to them once or twice a month:))
10.make a specific plan for my future travel.(I want to be like Kaorichin)
I will do my best.
That why ,I went to the library and borrowed some books.
I want to know about many countries culuture now.
Actually,I have been interested in only Europe for loooooooong time.
Especially,I wanted to go to England for 19years.Maybe because of a TV program...It moved me....I thought if I had a preexistent life,I was English.lol strange desyo?But I was serious:) In the future,I will visit to England and Ireland again.But I think I should know Asian countries ,too.Because I am Asian,and many Asian countries r so interesting. That why ,I will read some books about Asian countries this year.イギリスイギリスゥ♪だけじゃなくてね。demo いまはI really want to visit Sarah chan and Ronniechan.I wish if I was a rich:)視野を広く持ち、いろんな物を学びたい。

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kaorichin :)

I had a day off:)I went to the parlor this afternoon.Because I really wanted to chenge myself..Ofcourse I can't chenge anything even I chenged hairstyle.But If I could be chotto cute I can have confidence ne:)
After that ,my feeling was chotto better♪And I met Kaorichan and went to "budounooka".It is a popular buffet style restaurant.Tottemo oishiiyooo:)
and I listende about her travel stories.She went to Yemen for winter vacation.
Because her friend said"If u couldn't trust people,why don't u go to Yemen.It is a so beautiful country."
She showed me so wonderful picutures:)It moved me...Actually,I don't think I am independent woman...She is so independent woman.She can go abroad by herself and go out alone. I like to spend time same place for long time and make new friends.But I don't think I can go out alone for long time. I hope I can be like Kaorichan someday. そうそうハチミツとお茶もらいました。かおりちん素敵なおみやげありがと♪(このブログしらないけど)

Sunday, January 13, 2008


faaaaaaaa.I have been so sleepy today.because there were not so many customers ....But I am O.K. Because I like my coworkers ne:)
Recently,I have been thinking about strange things .Especially,about my age. I have to grow up....but I don't... I know what should I do for my life though....
I really want to have a average life now. Nice friends and coworkers and a person who need me. I just want to have it. I feel so obasan now.loser dog. やだね。でも未だに未練たらたらで、ある人にあいたくてしかたがない。。。彼が恵美をもうひつようじゃないのしっててもね。ばかだぁ。If I could forget everything,I could be happy.彼はもうわすれてて、つまらないパーティでしかあってくれないんだもんね。私はその程度なのかなぁ。。。

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Two days off and ちょっとむかついた。

 I had two days off:) I think my boss gave me a short new year's holiday. I didn't have any special plan that why I decided to stayed at my parent's home and cleaned my room.

But it was so difficult to do it. Because I really like to colect my memories.

And I spent time with Yuka and Airu both days. It is so fun to spend time with her now. Because I rearised she really know me.and I don't have to be "nice Emichan".I can be pessimist and can say strange things. I really like to complain many things and like to collect lucky goods.lol This time ,I wanted to buy an expensive bracelet. I was kind of serious. Ofcourse I didn't buy it but she was make fun of me and we checked other lucky goods by internet. I know she thinks I am strange but also she knows I really want to be happy for long time.

And I can listen her many stories . I think she is the best friend for me in Japan now.

 By the way,ちょっといらいらすることが。。。私はがんばってふつうになろうと努力してきて、やっとあいたいと久々に会いたいと思った人にメールをした。そしたら、またパーティ。。。みんなでってさぁ。I really didn't like it.that why I just wanted to have tea.I have feeling and just want to talk.しってるはずなのに、いつも私がしゃべれないって。。。ばからしくて、かなしくて嫌になった。私はその程度なんだなぁって。いつもおまけ。。。I don't want to be "a free gift"anymore.だ。おばさんだからってばかにするなぁってかんじ。。。いらいらしてるからこの部分は日本語にしました。ごめんねさらちゃん。Sarah chan I will email u in English soon :)かわいくないおばちゃんはきらわれただろうけど。。。しかたないさぁ。。。がんばろっと。

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Shrine and happy friends:)

Yesterday,I had a day off:) yey yey!!Actually I had been sick,my tummy was so strange ...I thought I would die.... but I feel better now and went to sushi restaurant with my mom and went to the special shrine.Do u know yakuyoke?the shrine is famous for talisman=yakuyoke.

As u know,I am so simple:) I really want to be genki this year that why my mom took me there.( I have been talking about it for looooong time to her.)

iikoto arutoiinaaaaa.......

acutually there was so happy thing on the nite.At last ,I could talk to Ronnie chan on MSN messenger. She was so nice.....I could be so happy .we talked about many things.....I wished if she were here. Recently ,I have been thinking so strange things."Why am I here? Do I have to pretend? faith? Why do I speak Japanese?Why do I feel?I don't want to think ...."but I could talk such a strange things to her. I am so happy that I could meet her. arigatou Ronnie chan.

Aaaaaand arigatou for Sarahchan,too.she always makes me happy and I do love to talk with u. I must be a lucky bitch. because I could meet them.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Happy New Year:)

 A Happy New Year,my friends♪I hope u r having a great holiday.

I did have a day off only today though....I could really have a fun and relax with my friend.

Last nite,I went to Soba restaurant and watami with Kirachan(We were class mate when we were high school student and we went to same university and Ireland together) Our rerationship is chotto strange. because we don't know our business each other very much.but it is so easy to spend time with her. any way,it was so delisious "toshikoshi soba" and saw the old year out and the New Year in watami.And we paid a visit to sengenshrine on New Year's Day.There were sooooooo many people .bikkuri shimasita:( But we were genki,because we could pray for our future .We should be happy womens this year.

After that ,we went back to my place and watched TV.

Just relax:)not so excited...but I was happy.....Last year,I was fucking pessimist but I really want to chenge my mind this year.何をすればいいかわからないけど、素敵な女になれるように内面外見ともにみがいていきたいな。